Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.


China has forbidden its leaders from “extravagant eating and drinking”, engaging in “improper sexual relationships” and playing golf. Kind of describes two recent Presidents to a tee.

The ruling party’s Political Bureau adopted new rules on clean governance and discipline earlier this month, the official Xinhua news agency said, describing the measures as “a moral ethical code that members must abide by”. (full story)

It would seem there is a push within the party to prevent China from looking too American. Perhaps future rules will prohibit them from driving SUVs, watching football, and eating anything that’s served on a bun.

Personally, I kind of like having leaders preoccupied with things like mistresses and golf. It keeps them away from writing stupid Legislation. Idle hands often find their way into other people’s business, so it’s best to keep them occupied with harmless pursuits.

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