Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Here they are ladies and germs: the top 0.0001%. Combined net worth: $2.37 Trillion. Substantially up from 2014. After 7 years of “Change” the rich are now richer than they ever were, back when the President was a Republican and only cared about the rich. It makes sense. Government is nothing if not incompetent, so any President who wants to make people richer, will ultimately fail. Ditto for any guy who wants to elevate the poor. From the Daily Mail:

“The rich are richer than ever: Forbes list of 400 wealthiest Americans reveals Jeff Bezos made $16BILLION in a single year – and Mark Zuckerberg broke into the top ten for the first time.

America’s top 400 billionaires have combined wealth of $2.34trillion, up $50billion from a year ago  (full story)

$2.37 Trillion. The Federal Budget for 2015 is $3.34 Trillion. Which means, if we took every dime they owned, we couldn’t run this country for a year. We’d be about a Trillion short, and wouldn’t have anyone to rob for 2016.

Most interesting are the much vilified Koch Brothers tied for position #5. While their political donations are considered the most corrupting influence on politics today, no one says anything about Gates, Buffett, Ellison and Bezos, all of whom are prominent Democrat donors, and are doing better than the Koch Brothers.

I guess it just depends on who you know.

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