Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.



Newly disclosed documents reveal that Hillary’s computer skills are on a par with every other Senior Citizen.

“Huma, could you schedule a meeting with the Prince of Nigeria? He’s having a hard time leaving the country, and will deposit five million dollars into the Foundation account…”

Anyone who has ever tried to help someone Hillary’s age with their computer knows what a task it can be. The Generation that grew up with IBM punch cards, and dot matrix printers has a bit of trouble with things like eMail and Social Media. The only difference is, when Hillary shared that Microsoft eMail we all got from our grandparents, Bill Gates actually gave her ten million dollars.

Was she loose with classified information? Heck, she probably posted it on her wall at facebook. “Can’t do lunch this afternoon, Chelsea. I have a top secret CIA meeting at the Mayflower…”

Newly released information indicates she fell for one of the common phishing eMails that the rest of us delete from our inboxes every morning:

“Though riddled with redactions, the FBI report reveals that Clinton became concerned about the legitimacy of an e-mail purportedly sent to her ‘from the personal e-mail of a State official.’ The e-mail sent to Clinton, the FBI noted, ‘contained a potentially malicious link…

“Clinton was concerned about someone ‘hacking into her email’ since Clinton had received an e-mail from a ‘known…associate’ containing ‘a link to a website with pornographic material.’

“While the FBI report does not state how Clinton knew the link in the suspect e-mail led to porn, it appears obvious that she clicked on the link.”

(full story)

You can’t help but wonder, if that “known associate” was her husband.

Or perhaps Huma’s husband. Hillary may have berated her aide, when she mistook some of the pictures, she inadvertently downloaded, for Anthony Weiner.

Since Huma is her most trusted confidant, and only 40 years old, you know she’s the one who has to come into Hillary’s office every time she crashes the computer or forgot a password. Heck, considering how many things Hillary couldn’t remember when testifying, I’d be surprised if all her passwords aren’t “password”.

Senior citizens are especially vulnerable to these eMail scams. I pity the person who tried to trick her with that fake IRS call, we all have been getting lately. “What do you MEAN I’m getting arrested for past due taxes?? Lois Lerner is a personal friend of mine, and if you ever call me again you’ll be in the unemployment line quicker than you can say ‘Vince Foster’.”