Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Some jobs are just more important than picking up trash in National Parks.

So here we are two weeks into the government “shutdown”, and I couldn’t help but notice this picture.
Supposedly, only essential Federal Employees are reporting for work. Yet it would appear that the Office of Self Important Signage is still open.
Is this really necessary? I’m pretty sure everyone in Congress knows who the speaker is now, and who has the nicest office. Further, I think a quick sign printed up on the Laser Jet, and scotch taped over the Paul Ryan sign would be adequate for all the lost lobbyists running late for their lunch appointment. It would also send a better message to the American Public, that the Government is actually in a crisis.
But what do I know? Personally, I think Nancy Pelosi no longer has any grasp of public perception. If she did, she’d stop seeing that plastic surgeon.