Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.


A new study suggests vegetarians suffer from more depression than the Diet Diverse.

I’ve been saying it for years: Vegetarians are not happy people.

They don’t seem to take the same pleasure in life that my carnivore friends seem to have. Dinnertime, (my favorite time of the day) seems almost a chore to them as they choke down their kale with a tofu smoothie.

There’s a reason why humans find pigs, cows, and chickens so delicious. It’s because humans who didn’t find pigs, cows, and chickens delicious, didn’t survive the Ice Age. All our ancestors were carnivores. Darwin decided long ago that inviting animals to dinner would make us happier. People who deny themselves meat, are denying their Nature.

Now there is science to prove my speculations. According to a study by Bristol University in the Journal of Affective Disorders, vegetarians are almost twice as likely as meat eaters to be depressed. From the Daily Mail:

Vegetarians are often fond of preaching the healthy virtues of their meat-free diet. But giving up chicken and beef in favour or carrots and broccoli is making them more miserable, say experts. Going veggie may leave devotees suffering from vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can affect their mental health. (full story)

This also could explain why vegetarians are such needy people. They expect special treatment when they come over for dinner, and make a big deal about their diet choices at cocktail parties. Perhaps they are trying to fill a void in their lives by seeking attention; a void that would normally be filled with meat.

So be kind to your vegetarian friends. Life is not as pleasant for the dietary challenged. Maybe next time you’re out, you could even sneak a couple strips of bacon into their veggie burger.

Their inner carnivore will thank you.