Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Unite For America

While the message made by Unite For America seems to have resonated with electors, their aim was a little bit to the left of the target.

About five days ago, Martin Sheen and a gaggle of “celebrities” got together and taped a video plea to the members of the Electoral College. They reminded of them of their Constitutional Duty to only vote for a candidate who is qualified to hold the office.

Martin Sheen opens the video  by putting on his glasses. That’s how you know he’s about to say something intelligent. He then quoted Alexander Hamilton, with the authority of someone who can afford $10k Broadway tickets:

Our founding fathers built the electoral college to safeguard the American People from the dangers of a Demogogue and to insure the Presidency only goes to someone who is to “an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications.”

Several “celebrities” even stated: “I’m not asking you to vote for Hillary Clinton.” And apparently some Electors listened to them. Because five Democrat Electors didn’t.  While two Republican Electors cast votes for Ron Paul and John Kasich, far more couldn’t bear voting for Hillary.

This should have been suspected. Celebrity status seems to have more sway with Democrats. While it is arguable that Donald Trump could not have won the Presidency were it not for his celebrity, the Democrats seem far more intertwined with Hollywood. Leonardo DiCaprio, for instance, is looked at as an expert on Climate Science.

I call this the Ginger Grant Effect. Those of you old enough to remember Gilligan’s Island, will recall that whenever there was a problem too complicated for the Professor to solve, Ginger Grant would step in and use her experience as a movie star. If the Professor couldn’t perform an appendectomy, Ginger would remind the castaways, that she once played a doctor in a movie, and knew how to perform the operation.

Which is why Leonardo DiCaprio is an expert on Global Warming. He once played a role in movie, where he was drowned because an iceberg broke away from a melting ice cap. By the same token, Martin Sheen is treated Presidentially on the Left. Especially when he puts on his glasses, His constitutional acumen is so razor sharp, that five electors were swayed by his rhetoric, heeded his call, and voted their conscience.

They conclude the video by reassuring all the Faithless Electors, that their courage will not be unrecognized. They repeat several times: “I stand with you, and you have MY respect for your patriotism and service to the American People.”

I wonder if they still feel that way?