Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.


If you make less than $250k in Palo Alto California, you now qualify for welfare.

Poverty is so rampant across the Silicon Valley, some young people have to go to bed hungry because they can no longer afford sushi.

If you’re a political candidate, you’ll always get applause claiming that “The Rich” need to pay their “Fair Share”. The problem is, it’s impossible to figure out who “The Rich” are. What a coal miner considers a lot of money, wouldn’t be enough to join most Country Clubs.

Elsewhere in the country $250k would almost be enough to put you in the coveted 1%, but in Palo Alto California, it’s the poverty line. From KPIX:

The city council has unanimously passed a housing plan that would essentially subsidize new housing for what qualifies as middle-class nowadays, families making from $150,000 to $250,000 a year. (full story)

Thanks to the Silicon Boom and antiquated building regulations, there is a shortage of affordable housing in Palo Alto. The situation is so bleak, even starter homes are going for over a million dollars.

It’s quite interesting. Perhaps the minimum wagers, who constantly rail about Wal-Mart® being subsidized by the Federal Government, would like to point out that Google® gets away with only paying their employees a quarter of a million dollars a year, thanks to Government subsidies.

And it really throws cold water on the notion, that the richest 1% can afford to pay more taxes. In some places, it’s barely enough to keep a roof over your head.

Good thing Whole Foods® takes SNAP cards.


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