Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Pork Smorgasbord

As the American debt approaches 20 trillion dollars, Congress continues to spend money like Charlie Sheen in Amsterdam. Senator James Lankford yesterday released Federal Fumbles, a list of Government programs topping $105 billion dollars of ridiculous spending. While...
On the Road: Fargo

On the Road: Fargo

I had the good fortune to be working with Mike Lester last week at Courtney’s Comedy Club in Moorhead Mn. It’s a killer room that’s been doing shows for almost 30 years. In the fifteen-hundred odd weeks they have been doing comedy, I am only one of...

Climate Infidels

This is scary. In America, you’re supposed to be free to believe anything you want. It doesn’t matter whether you think the world is flat, that Lord Xenu once ruled the Galactic Confederacy, or that One Direction is actually good. Yet for a lot of people,...

War on Halloween Continues

On college campuses, resentment lingers long after the Halloween candy is gone. Even though the fake cobwebs are packed away for another year, and stores have replaced the moaning skulls with Christmas lights, you would think we could move on to more important issues;...

The Not So Great Pumpkin

As the Senate gets ready to pass a $3.8 trillion dollar budget the Department of Energy is carving pumpkins. Hey kids, we all know how much you wanted to make your Jack-O-Lantern look like Billy the Puppet, and your dad wanted to do a Death Star, but the Department of...

Marx for Death

In death, Karl Marx has done more to disprove his theories, than the work of a million live economists. What is it about dead Communists? While they spend their lives talking about how the world would be better if everyone was equal, they want to spend their deaths in...

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