Tim Slagle

A humble stand up comedian, fighting a never-ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

Cancel This!

Cancel This!

Over my long career, one club that has been consistently kind to me, is Acme Comedy Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There hasn’t been a year over the past thirty it’s been opened that I haven’t spent at least a week in its warm nurturing environment. They have...
Rule of Three turns 200

Rule of Three turns 200

We’re doing a very special show 8 PM, August 5th at Acme Comedy Company in Minneapolis, to celebrate the 200th podcast of The Rule of Three. This is a show I started doing with Bryan Miller almost five years ago. Thirty seven thousand downloads later, I’m...
An Open Letter to Dan Snyder

An Open Letter to Dan Snyder

Hey Chief, I see you’ve got yourself in a bit of a bind over your team’s name. Yes there is a long legacy of the Redskins, and I know the logo was a depiction of an actual Native American and designed by a Native American. Unfortunately language changes with the...
30 Year Old Calls Police Over Legos

30 Year Old Calls Police Over Legos

It’s a story that keeps getting weirder by the day. It isn’t enough that the guy had to be taken to court by his parents to evict him from their house, he’s now become a nuisance on the public. According to Fox News: A 30-year-old man who made...
A Tale of Two Comics

A Tale of Two Comics

It wasn’t too long ago that  posing with a mask of the President would be the end of a career. A comedian holds up a mock severed head of President Trump, and the nation is outraged. She issues an apology, without her make-up on, and everything goes back to...